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Baby Driver:

I did the breakdown of a scene from the movie Baby Driver by Edgar Wright. The way that the scene starts is in black with sound going on into a music note and then the viewer will realize how baby listens to music. Then the scene comes in with a bank with the name of the city on it, with a new red Subaru WRX pulling up to a stop making show that the car is very important. The second shot of the movie is a close up of an IPod which emphasizes the important role that music plays in this film. Then the third shot goes to a close up of the main character Baby. Then once the music is played each of the next 4 cuts happen on beat. As the next shot goes on the background sound effect synchronize with the music, so then you know that film is dealt with music. Yes Baby is shown as a getaway driver and is technically doing something wrong, you know that baby doesn’t mean harm and makes you like him right away with how he acts like a bored high school students. The next shot emphasizes this by the close up of Baby looking worried when he hears gunshots in the bank, and also shown how he is caught up in this line of work.


That was the first half of the scene and the other half is the getaway part which consists of over a 100 shots over a couple minutes, each length of each shot was around a second. This ends up being more of a musical montage then it being a more realistic car chase. If you were just going to listen to the music instead of all of the sound effect you will be able to tell that everything that is happening in the scene lines up with the music. Because of this, this makes you more engaged of what is going to happen next, there is a specific geography that they do over the scene, you might not see the car swerve but you’ll see the people move which gives you the feeling the car actually did. The main shots are baby and his car driving with other shots here and there with the cops to show that there still after them, then small quick shots of the others in the car to show what feelings they have for each other and give some character to the each of them.


What I like that they did in this scene is not once did they talk to each other, everything was told through face expressions and the sound of the music. This for me at least makes it more interesting of figuring out the character for example like Baby who hardly talks the whole movie but yet you can give a whole character analysis on him just from the way he speaks through movement and moves with the music.

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