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Hey, I’m

Colby Leary

Actor / Model/Cinematographer 


About Me

Why did you join this class?

I've heard nothing but great reviews from this class. I really didn't know what cinema was and what it took to make videos that are shown at the Gawlik's. Plus I wouldn't want to miss out on having you as a teacher.


What do you hope to gain from taking this class?

Learn how to make cool short clips that I see every year at the Gawlik awards. Be able to work in group project with people to make things that I enjoy doing instead of group project for science or history. 


What do you know about cinematography?

Nothing really at the moment but I want to learn more about it, after just the first day of class I can see that there is way more then I thought there is to take to make videos. 


What do you want to know about cinematography?

Know all the things that it takes to make a movie or even a short clip. Specifically how to edit videos and all the things that you have to bring together to make a scene  


What type of films would you like to make?

I want to make some kind of comedy film that when anyone no matter who you are can't watch the whole film without at some point in it making some kind of chuckle or smirk.


What are three of your favorite movies?-embed trailers or screen shots and explain why you enjoy these films.

Grown ups 1 and 2. 

Ferris Bueller

Dumb and Dumber

Impractical Jokers for best TV show ever made


What is your favorite movie genre?

Definitely Comedy , Anything with comedy in it I will watch it. I don't know if there's anything else better then a good laugh and it starts to laugh because your laughing so hard. Best thing to watch to get a good laugh is impractical jokers.

What motivates you to work hard?

The only thing that I have ever known to push me to work hard is when I want to work on something not when I have to work on something. This class will help me create and make what I want to which will help me work hard. 

What are five concerns that you have now in your life?


What was your favorite subject in school? Why?

I'd say my favorite subject was science because there is a lot of hands on projections in science and I learn better and stay more focused with on hands projects

What are the three words that best describe you?

Outgoing, funny, caring 

Biggest Character turn-off for you? (ex. I hate when people are late)

People are rude



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